Autobiography of a Goat (a novel)
Jeremy Silman

My first novel (for adults only!), AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A GOAT, is available on
When Eli Rubinstein marries a German woman (nicknamed Beast) who may or may not be homosexual and may or may not be Hitler youth, its not surprising that things go horribly wrong. In an effort to get rid of this nightmarish female, Eli finds himself fighting for survival in the slums of London, handing out payoffs to crooked cops in Chicago, and finally ending up in the gay-friendly climes of San Francisco during the waning days of the Haight Ashbury drug and free love culture.
Though this dark, perverse, funny, erotic, and somewhat insane story is ultimately about Elis battle for freedom, disparate tales about Crowley Magick, the professional world of chess and backgammon, a vampire attack in San Franciscos golden gate park, UFOs in the Oregon woods, and the wise lessons of a Haight Ashbury holy man paint a picture of a colorful time, not so long ago, that no longer exists.
Science fiction writer Vance Aandahl had this to say:
“A Goat is born! From the feverish womb of Jeremy Silmans imagination, the Goat comes bursting forth on a flood of blood, mucus, afterbirth, and psychedelic effluvia! Rejoice! Then run for your lives!”
“Hes not just a great chess author.”
By Philip Irwin (November 12, 2013)
“I’m one of Silmans chess book enthusiasts. I own quite a few and consider them to be not only crammed with great ideas and strategic content, they are really fun to read, not all dry analysis. I think he really helped turn my game around a few years ago. When I saw this book for sale I had a hunch it was going to be really good. Jeremys love of books is plain from his website pieces. “Autobiography of a Goat turned out to be even better than I expected. His characters are strong, plot developments occur naturally. As a hobby author myself, I especially appreciated the beautiful flow of the words. I would have forgiven him as a “mere award winning chess author” if there were a bit of clumsiness or confusion here or there, but in my first reading I was never distracted by sloppiness. The content is quite adult and I can already predict a few specific chess world prudes who will blow a gasket, but so what. There are already enough chess kiddy-books. Im a long time reader of outsiders like Bukowski, Iceberg Slim and Chuck Palahniuk to name a few. Silmans first full-length work of fiction will rest on my bookshelves easily alongside those guys as opposed to being sandwiched between his fine chess books. Im a few years younger than Silman and of the Sex Pistols generation as opposed to his Haight leanings, but that didnt turn me off. I only point that out for the benefit of potential readers like myself who steer clear of hippy reads for the most part. The philosophical ideas within the pages are not preachy or annoying. I sense that I could ride in a vehicle on a long trip next to Silman and we’d have plenty to talk about. As far as the book being a possible Silman “memoir, I took it that he chose to write using an alter ego identity for similar reasons that Buk usually did. Im not sure what pages Eli is Jeremy and which where he is a product of his imagination, but that just adds to the fun, doesnt it?”
“An Unexpected GOOD Read!”
By Elizabeth Cheng (November 6, 2013)
“I was floating in a sea of emotions as I read the book. The story was intense and insane! Yet, it prompted you to think about the great philosophy of love, life, and responsibility. This book has exceeded my expectations in all aspects! Strongly recommended!!”
“Federico Fellini meets Jimmy Stewart”
By Quinn D. Hubbard (November 16, 2013)
“Jeremy Silman is kind of like a lovable Jimmy Stewart but on drugs and sex ruts. Jeremy is an intelligent and nice guy, and he recounts a vivid life history with panache and timing, not to mention some serious comedic relief. The book is not for the faint of heart (puritans), but the sordid material transcends itself into contemplative art, as all good art does. Recommended!”
“A great read/ride!”
By Ralph Pine (November 11, 2013)
“Holden Caulfield meets Henry Miller, William S. Burroughs and Aleister Crowley in this funny tale of life on the streets of Chicago, Haight-Ashbury and the neighborhood of LSD. Silman, the author of thirty-nine chess books ratchets-up his game with a well-written funny tale not for the puritanical. The best part is the smart writing and the emergence of this fictional autobiography. Or is it? A grand read!”